Sisters- just want to let you know that you do not have to wait for Tracy or Alana to add you to the list--we do this manually, it is NOT automatic. If there's room (read through comments to this post and compare), you are in this group (if not, you'll be added to the next group). We will add your name to the list as time allows. Thanks so much & WELCOME TO THE SISTERHOOD! Enjoy your new group of gf's!

*First, each sister will leave a comment on this post WITH your full blog URL, first name (and initial of your last name, or use a nickname if you prefer)*. We'll post the master list here and keep it updated.

*Second, create a new post on your blog entitled "Sisterhood of the Blogging Stampers-(your group's #)." Write a little getting-to-know you fact to introduce yourself.

*Third, add everyone to your Sisterhood-(group #) blog roll (in your sidebar is a good place). Don't forget to get your badges for SBS (use your group's #)!

*Fourth, when you've got everyone added to your blog roll, go visit each sister and leave a comment. You're "official" once you are listed here on the master list and put your info on your blog, and you're nearly official if there's still room. Happy inky blogging!

If your want your friends in your group, email them a link and get them to join with you before this group fills up! 20 is the limit! (So before you add everyone to your blogroll, read comments and compare to list to make sure the group isn't full--just in case we haven't had time to update the master list. TIA.)

P.S. We're looking for a Group Admin to organize RAKs and such for your group. Just say your interested in your comment. To make life simple, once your will notice GROUP ADMIN beside your name. If anyone has questions getting their group started please feel free to contact Tracy. Thanks!

*Don't forget to add your blog URL with the "http://" included (it saves me time copying and pasting your URLs)! If your blog address is missing from your comment, I will just wait on you to post it. I don't have time to find them for myself. Sorry.

Monday, August 25, 2008

SBS Group 24: CLOSED


(CLOSED 9.22.08)
1. Kerry D-C:: (Admin)
2. Kathy::
3. Karyn::
4. Anna (Banana)::
5. Wendy::
6. Barbara D::
7. Julie Bradwell::
8. Shannon W::
9. Chrissy D::
10. Jennifer::
11. Christina W::
12. Shelly K::
13. Wendie::
14. Leona::
15. Stevie::
16. Ed (Edna)::
17. Ceal::
18. Theresa C.
19. Sally::
20. Amber::


Kerry D-C said...
Kerry D-C
I'll do Admin. too.

Tracy said...

Hi Kerry! Thanks for taking the reigns. WELCOME TO THE SISTERHOOD!

Kathy W said...

would like to join new group-my SBS 8 has kind of pooped out.
thanks, Kathy White

Kerry D-C said...

Hi Tracy!
Thanks! So what does the ADMIN actually do?
If you click on my blogger profile you'll be able to email me directly.

kc_froglady said...

I would like to join :)


Anna Banana said...

I would like to join this group, please.


Anna Banana

Tracy said...

Kerry I will shoot you an email this is too crazy at work to do anything extra.


Anonymous said...

Can I join? This sounds awesome!

Wendy G

Barbara said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Barbara said...

Me, too....please! (I'll add some of the info tonight, but won't have time to complete everything. Will finish up when I return after the weekend away!)

JB-Crafting Supplies said...

I would like to join please.

Julie Bradwell


Anonymous said...

I would love to join sisterhood #24! I am an avid stamper and scrapbooker.

Anonymous said...

Not sure why my site didn't show, but I'll type it in the body as well...would love to join this group.

Shannon W.
a.k.a.Little Miss Sparkle

Tracy said...

WELCOME! WELCOME! Wendy, Barbara, Julie, and Little Miss Sparkle (aka: Shannon)!!!

I hope you are enjoying this lovely holiday weekend! I know I totally am! Stamp on Sisters!

Chrissy D said...

Is there room still? I would love to join and will follow the instructions! Chris Dickinson

Chrissy D said...

I forgot to say, I would be happy to help with RAKS too. Thanks! Chris Dickinson

Anonymous said...

I think I'm the 10th one, but I would like to join. My name is Jennifer and my blog is Let me know if I made the cutoff!

kc_froglady said...

so is our group cut off at 10 or are we going to 20? I see only 10 sign up spots but the info says 20 so I am confused - a perpetual state I think LOL!

Tracy said...

Hi Jennifer! Of course you are in at #10.

Hey Karyn! 10 is just where I stopped at when I set up this post. All groups (as stated) have 20 in them...#'s within the group mean nothing unless it's clearly states that a group is CLOSED. Hope that helps clear up the confusion...I'm on a time crunch with a computer that has crashed at home...thanks!

Tracy said...


Unknown said...

I would love to join and see what this is all about!
Christina W

kc_froglady said...

got it - I see clearly through the mud LOL!

Welcome Christine too!

Shelly Koskinen said...

I'd like to join this group too!

Unknown said...

I would love to join in with this group, sounds like fun

I see we already have another wendy so to make it easier for everyone I will spell mine


Tracy said...

WELCOME to the group...Christina, Shelly, & Wendie!!! It's awesome to have you join in! You will most definitely enjoy your new siestas! ;o}

Unknown said...

thanks tracy

Unknown said...

Thanks Tracy.
I have enjoyed looking at my new sisterhoods blog, everyone is very talented, Keep it up


Kerry D-C said...

Hi Girls!
I started a Yahoo group for us. I was able to get emails or yahoo id's for some of you from your blogs. I have sent those people an invitation from Yahoo. for the rest of you I left messages on your blog to email me...unfortunately I copied and pasted the same message on everyone's blog...uuuum...including the wrong name! I called you Wendy! So sorry for that!
If you have not received an email invite from Yahoo or a message from me please email me at

I am hoping that we can get to know each other better and start some SBS24 challenges!

Anna Banana said...

Hi to everyone - I will stop by all the new sbs24 members sites and say hi tomorrow - right now I just wanted to welcome you all into our quiclky growing little family!

Anna Banana

Tracy said...

Only six more spots to go girls...if you have a friend that you want in the group with you- NOW is the time to invite them!

I will check back in later...just wanted to see if it was time for update or not.

Have a blessed day!

Leona said...

Hi ladies could i join in please.....

Im leona and was in another sbs group but it actually failed as there was some disputes but im not giving up on the idea so re-joining another set of lovely ladies!

My blog is

I will shortly visit you all and write a little from me on my blog lol..

Also will try the link if i can


Anonymous said...

I'd like to join please...

Stevie M

Thanks :), Stevie

Ed said...

Hello, I would like to join please ladies .....

Thanks, Ed xx (short for Edna)

Ceal said...

I would love to join this group
Ceal P

Anonymous said... you want to re-check your blog address? I think it's bringing you to someone else's blog from quite a while ago! :)

Ed said...

I don't know how to get rid of the other blog - it certainly isn't me, think I may have to change my blog name slightly ....

Ed said...

I also tried another address.. That seems to come back to my blog too. Hope I can get this sorted soon, fingers crossed !!

Anonymous said...
First Name: Theresa
Last name: Calderini
I want to join!!!

Sally said...


Is there still room in this group - I lost count of how many have now signed up!

My name is Sally, and you can see my work at the following:

Now to figure out what else I have to do!!!

Love to chat with you all and find out more about you!

Sally x x

Chrissy D said...

Welcome everyone! I look forward to getting to know you all. I am a bit busy this week but will pop in as I have time to see you and say hello! Once this week is over I will have more time. I look forward to getting to know you all!

Anna Banana said...

Unless I missed something, we have two spots left til we close up!! Welcome to all the new people who I am just adding to my sisters list - looking forward to getting to know you all!
Anna Banana

Amber said...

Sign me up

Amber Willingham

Anonymous said...

I think that's it now?? Welcome everyone :).

Sally said...

Hi all,

Sorry I have been a bit snowed under with work this week to do anything other than say 'can I join you all please?' !!!!!

So I will try today to visit you all and see what wonderful work you create, then add you all to my blog!

I am looking forward to getting to know you all and seeing what you all create.

Sally x

Ed said...

I wish somebody would update please, because I think we have a full house + 1 ...

Amber said...

Thanks ladies for letting me join and I cant wait to get to know every one and check out your great blogs

Kerry D-C said...

Hi Girls!
I started a Yahoo group for us. I was able to get emails or yahoo id's for some of you from your blogs. I have sent those people an invitation from Yahoo. for the rest of you I left messages on your blog to email me...unfortunately I copied and pasted the same message on everyone's blog...uuuum...including the wrong name! I called you Wendy! So sorry for that!
If you have not received an email invite from Yahoo or a message from me please email me at

I am hoping that we can get to know each other better and start some SBS24 challenges!

Tracy said...

Ladies- I apologize for a busy few weeks...I will try to get the list updated by Sunday at the latest. I am headed out to a 2 day crop at noon tomorrow...working 1/2 day & then out for fun for 2 days! YIPPEEE so please be patient! Thanks so much!

Susie said...

Hello there I went through and counted looks like there is 20+1 right now so it looks like we are on to Sisterhood 25 right? ok if it's ok ill post for 25 here. My names is Susie R and blog addy is

Theresa said...

Hello I would like to join the next available group please.

Theresa B

Kristen said...

I would love to be a part of the next open group.


Theresa said...

I would also be willing to be admen if you still need one for our group :)

kareN stampZ said...

If room love to join in I need to challenge myself more

Cheers Karen

PSST no. 24 is one of my lucky nos., otherwise will have to wait for no. 27 to try again

kareN stampZ said...

OOPS reminder to self read instructions fully!

my blog address is:

Debby said...

Are you still accepting stampers? If so great!

Debby B

Leslie said...

Looking to jump in and join the sisterhood! Can't wait to meet more fanatical stampers, so I don't feel so alone!
Leslie P.

Tracy said...

Hi ladies...whew busy weekend! A blast but busy. I snuck in at work so I could close this group out for you gals. I will start Group 25
ASAP...hopefully at lunchtime unless something comes up.

Tracy said...

Congrats on a full group # 24! Enjoy getting to know each other...

Group #25 I got you all set up...WELCOME to the SISTERHOOD!!!

Theresa- It's tradition to ask the first person in the group to be the Admin if she declines then I will ask you! Thanks so much for the offer!

Which is the best color for an SBS badge? (Choose up to 2)