Please forgive my untimeliness. I'm due in a week and have been "nesting." But here are some badges for groups 19-23 (and the last two are generic for any group).
Right-click on the badge that you want to embed on your blog and save to your computer. Go to your blogger account, and click on the template tab, click on add page element in the sidebar. Click on add picture. Upload the badge file in the appropriate space. Click on save. That should do it hopefully!
Because of the number of groups and rate of growth, I am only making badges in pink and black for each group. If those colors don't work for you, I would be happy to make a custom color to match your blog for $2.50. Email me: alanafreelance @ clearwire . net (without the spaces, of course).
Thank you for the badge Alana. Nesting is fun.. you get lots of cleaning done I found! Jennie SBS 19 x
Thanks so much for making up the badges!!
Take it easy!!
~Aileen SBS22
Hi thanks for pposting this
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